Monday, July 9, 2012

On My Own

Today was my first day on my own. My 8 fellow teacher training yoginis headed back to the studio and I went... to court. I spent my morning sending people to jail for traffic infractions (yay! thrilling! justice in the works!) and my afternoon prepping for my day tomorrow (bench trials! suspended licenses! south dade courthouse!).

Now, many of you may take my exclamation marks sarcastically. In fact I am serious, seriously happy. I am seemingly permanently happy. On the phone with Larry tonight he asked if I was OK. Because I sound shockingly happy for getting home at 10pm.  I don't even seem stressed. For those of you who know me well, sarcastic and stressed is sort of my M.O.

Yoga teacher training seems to be doing me well. In any case, I came home, I did work for school (bleh) and I got dressed to go to yoga! Back to my home studio, Green Monkey, with my favorite new teacher, Thomas Taulbee!

I have had the honor of practicing near Thomas for over a year now and he was my first yogi friend at GM. Over the last few months he has moved from the front row of the class next to me to the very front of the room leading me.  I had the best one on one class with Thomas last week and an equally amazing class packed into the small branch room with about 20 other yogis tonight.
Sweaty after class with Thomas

Twenty people in a tiny room = mucho sweat.  You may be catching onto a theme here, I'm essentially planning on sweating my asana off for the next six months. Or possibly the rest of my life.



  1. That is awesome Rache! I'm glad you are keeping up the Yoga :)

  2. I love practicing with you! Not only do you have a beautiful practice but your energy always brings a brightness to the studio! You are going to make a wonderful teacher and I look forward to sharing part of this journey with you!

    Keep sweating your asanas off and I'll see you soon :)

